Tuesday, 7 June 2016


We are molded by our genetics, our upbringing, our beliefs, all our experiences. Some of us learn from what we hear, some from what we see and some only learn by actually experiencing, what we call 'burn to learn'. My understanding of sympathy is someone seeing you in pain and saying "wow that must hurt!" Whereas empathy is someone saying "ow! That hurts!" When they see you in pain. It is understandable when someone has never experienced your situation and says"don't focus on your problem, just get up and walk, you don't need legs!"but when someone who lost a finger says"you need to keep holding on and don't let go", to someone missing a hand! well, what can you say to that? Can't we think? Can't we at least sympathise? Is that the best encouragement we can come up with? .....someone said to me once that saying "it could be worse" doesn't help. I think it's supposed to bring it into perspective when your hand is hurting and you see someone without hands struggling to live! It doesn't make the pain go away, it's not supposed to! You're supposed to try harder, get inspired, feel ashamed not continue to moan about how much pain you're in and sit there and do nothing! Sometimes we want to cut off the hand but even without the hand we may continue to have the pain, and we don't have a hand now to do anything with.....something to think about

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